Thursday, August 12, 2010

Scott Pilgrim vs the World: The Game: The Review

I am not a big fan of downloadable games. I rarely get the nerve to spend money while sitting on my butt at home without so much as a cardboard box to let my money be exchanged for but I played the demo of "scott pilgrim vs the world: the game" and decided, what the heck. What put me over the edge? I live in Toronto and this game is based in... Toronto!

The game itself is a throwback to the old 8-bit NES days with MIDI sound, blocky everything but amazing gameplay. Back in the day, they didn't have budgets and no idea who was going to buy so they focused on quality rather than purdy graphics. This game takes me back and lets me chuckle at some of the funny memories along the way. I honestly thought the game was messed up when I saw those strange characters around the screen on my first trip to the "subspace gateway" I had to laugh that I was dupped, if only for a second.

The game itself is a slightly over the top beat up almost everyone game. You scroll across the screen fighting everyone you come across. Each character attacks differently which keeps things interesting. The boss battles are hard but not impossible. Plus there are lots of level up and health items you can buy with your Canadian loonies and toonies that you earn when bad guys fall down. It passes the time nicely.


I have not read the comic books, but I definitely plan on seeing the movie when it comes out in a few days. This game is a good buy for anyone that likes fighting games and a definite buy for anyone over 23 who can remember when video games were just a baby.

I can hardly figure out what we used to only be able to do with 2 buttons...

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